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Congratulations Erick Staehlen -The winner of the 2023 Harley Davidson Street Glide.

For a complete list of the 2024 winners, please enter here

ABATE of Illinois advocates on behalf of motorcyclists and off-road recreation with a very active team at the State House and around Illinois. You can follow the links to see what ABATE is working on
& check below for any current calls to action. 

                                                 Current Legislation that ABATE is Tracking

ABATE of Illinois has been working to make sure motorcycles are a part of the planning for Illinois' transportation future.  Part of that effort is working to pass SB2940 though the General Assembly.

SB2940 has successfully cleared the Senate, but remains in the Illinois House with less than 10 days left to get it to the Governor's Desk. So today, ABATE of Illinois is asking you to contact your State Representative directly through a new software tool that will match you directly to your Representative and allow you to personally contact them. Fill out the form and click Next to be shown your State Representative's Email and Phone number. All it takes is a couple of minutes to ask them to sponsor and support SB2940. 

SB2940 makes sure that Electric Motorcycles are included as a part of the Energy Bill that passed last year. SB2940 removes the exclusionary language which was placed in the energy bill, and puts Illinois at the forefront of transportation technology.

SB2940 will make sure motorcycles are treated equally when planning transportation in Illinois, so take the few minutes to contact your State Representative today.

NOTE: If you get a message saying there are no legislators for you to contact and you  live in the Springfield area - Contact Representative Sandra Hamilton at (217) 782-0044 & Hamilton@ilhousegop.org. If you get the same message and live in the Chicago Area contact Representative Mike Kelly at 
(217) 782-8198 & mike@repkelly.com

Fighting for the Rights of All Riders - ABATE of Illinois

ABATE of IL - State Office

Office: (309) 343-6588
Toll Free: (800) 87-ABATE 
 (800) 872-2283

PO Box 526
Avon, IL 61415-0526

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