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Will County Chapter 

  Our Mission: The mission of Will County A.B.A.T.E. and A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois   is to preserve the universal right to a safe, unrestricted motorcycling   environment.   We firmly believe that education, not legislation, is the answer to   preventing motorcycle accidents, and this is the reason the Will County Chapter   exists. To fulfill our mission, we will:
         Safeguard the rights of all motorcyclists
         Endorse safety programs and education programs
         Promote unity through involvement
        Advocate political awareness and activism
      Promote motorcycling enjoyment

    • Legislative: A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois as well as the Will County Chapter monitor legislation that would affect the safety and rights of street and off-road motorcyclists and ATV owners. We also lobby elected officials. We support and seek sponsors for legislation that protects the safety and rights of all who use the roadways. We encourage members to become ​registered voters and political activists. We actively campaign for candidates who support motorcycle and all off-road vehicle platforms for State and Federal offices. We have the reputation of a very outspoken, informed membership when it comes time to contacting Legislators regarding pending bills that would affect us.
    • Safety & Education: Safety, education, and motorcycle awareness are key aspects of A.B.A.T.E., A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education.  Our focus is the High School Motorcycle Awareness Program for Driver Education students.  We educate students to be aware of motorcycles on the road, how motorcyclists respond to road conditions, and how to share the road with other vehicles. We also talk about the sport of motorcycling and encourage trained, safe, sober, legal motorcycle riding.  Safety and Education go beyond the classroom. Participating in local events gives us the opportunity to talk with the community and make a connection.  We are your teachers, librarians, dentists, nurses, secretaries, truckers, parents, grandparents, and neighbors on two wheels.  -Please SEE US when we are riding. 
    • Membership & Activities: Our chapter is very active in Safety, Education, Legislation, AND FUN! Take a look at some of the great runs, rides and parties we host each year:
    • -Cabin Fever Party: Tired of looking at your bike sitting in the middle of winter? We are too! Join us for a great night with friends, food, and music to help pass those winter blues.
    • -Annual Triathlon: Gym-rats need not apply to this athletic event. Our games consist of pool, darts and bags. Teams of two selected by a blind draw compete against each other in single elimination games. Winners are named in each category and awarded cash prizes. There is a minimal cost for registration and prize money is based on the number of participants.
    • -Annual Book Run: Looking for somewhere new to ride? Join the Book Run! Books can be purchased at any of the participating establishments featured in the book and you have all summer to visit them and get your book stamped. Completed books are turned in by mid-October to qualify for cash and other prizes that are awarded at the Book Run Party. You do not have to be an A.B.A.T.E. member to participate.
    • -Hooters & Scooters Run: Looking for a fun ride with great stops and even better sights? We’ve got you covered- Join us on the last Saturday in August each year!
    • -Book Run Party: This event concludes the summer Book Run event. Didn’t finish the book? No worries- your book is your ticket! You do not have to be an A.B.A.T.E. member to join in the fun, and a small cover charge will be collected at the door for those without a book. Book Run prize winners will be drawn at this event (attendance is not required). Join us for a great night with friends, food, and music to celebrate another great riding season.

    Chapter meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at:

    Stone City V.F.W. Post 2199

    124 Stone City Dr.  Joliet

    Board Meeting at 6:30pm

    General Meeting at 7:30pm

    Chapter Officers - 2024

    President - David "Pink" Floyd


     Treasurer - Amy Hausman 


     Legislative - Lisa Weber - MacLean