Will County Chapter
Our Mission: The mission of Will County A.B.A.T.E. and A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois is to preserve the universal right to a safe, unrestricted motorcycling environment. We firmly believe that education, not legislation, is the answer to preventing motorcycle accidents, and this is the reason the Will County Chapter exists. To fulfill our mission, we will:
Safeguard the rights of all motorcyclists
Endorse safety programs and education programs
Promote unity through involvement
Advocate political awareness and activism
Promote motorcycling enjoyment
Chapter meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at:
Stone City V.F.W. Post 2199
124 Stone City Dr. Joliet
Board Meeting at 6:30pm
General Meeting at 7:30pm
Chapter Officers - 2024
President - David "Pink" Floyd pink@willcoabate.org Treasurer - Amy Hausman amy@willcoabate.org Legislative - Lisa Weber - MacLean |