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Congratulations Erick Staehlen -The winner of the 2023 Harley Davidson Street Glide.

For a complete list of the 2024 winners, please enter here

Help Stop Helmet Bills in Illinois & Nationwide

State Representative Daniel Didech has proposed HB5620, forcing Illinois Motorcyclists to wear helmets while riding. He wants to remove the freedom of choice from riders and believes the government should have a right to mandate the clothing you wear when you ride. ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education) has always stood for the proper education of riders, and allowing them to exercise the most basic of individual freedoms, the freedom of choice. Let those who Ride Decide!

Donate to ABATE | Join ABATE

What to Do to Help Stop this bill

1) Call State Representative Daniel Didech's Springfield office at 217-782-0499 & Representative Margaret Croke Springfield Office at 217-782-8062 . Firmly, --but politely ask that they remove HB5620 from consideration, or agree not to move it.  Instead encourage them to work with ABATE on issues that will save lives such as motorcycle training, distracted driving, and regulating driverless cars.

2) Click this Link - Witness Slip (Note, we will update this link every week with the latest version)

3) Fill it out manually, do not use autofill. 

4) Make sure to put your group name and chapter name under Firm & "Self" under Representation. Out of State riders, clubs and solo riders are welcome to fill out this slip as well, just put your group name or "motorcyclist" in the firm name. This bill will affect riders across the US as Illinois hosts many national events. 

4) Mark "HCA1":, OPPONENT" then "Record of Appearance Only"

5) Click "Create Slip" & Share this page with other riders and friends.

6) Join ABATE

Fighting for the Rights of All Riders - ABATE of Illinois

ABATE of IL - State Office

Office: (309) 343-6588
Toll Free: (800) 87-ABATE 
 (800) 872-2283

PO Box 526
Avon, IL 61415-0526

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